Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Did you know you could drown in 3 inches of water?
05.15.04 - 7:08 pm

This one day. No week, has been undenialbly the worst week of my life.

Starting out, Sunday, i'm at Brandon's... nothing that you really want to read, but, i was peeing blood. Find out next day, i have a UTI. They Hurt ppl, don't recomend on getting it...

Monday, study during the day, got to health center, get meds, go to night class... come back don't go to bed till 2ish roommate comes in drunk, i have a final the next day, which i had just learned that i had That day.

Tuesday, had final cheated all thru it because i didn't remember anything because of the lack of sleep i had.

Wednesday, have work, go to mall, have fun... study for go knows how long. Sleep at Brandon's cuz i can't stand my roommate fucking while i'm sleeping.

Thrusday, have 3 finals. 1st failed, 2nd failed, 3rd eh... better than the rest. Come back from my dorm, Mother makes me cry about money because... oh yeah, we don't have any for school in my savings so now... i'm up shit creek because my brother didn't copy my tax returns so that i can turn them in with my student loan form so i can get loans. I can get loans else where, yes, but my mom made me cry anyway.

Friday, i pack, everything. I'm exhausted... my room looks like a cell because it is one.

Saturday, get my period, pack my stuff into my dad's car, dad and i have a "heart to hear" in Einstines bagles. Later i go into the art lab to find Everything gone. Every last fucking thing gone. My project and my supplies... gone. The clay hard, my life ruined my grade now going to shit's ville because i was a fucking lazy dumb ass and didn't finish my projects weeks ago.

Here i am now, emotionally drained, on the verge to tears, Again.

New things that have come up. The subject of transfering to UD because the art program here sucks. It suits me, but it doesn't suit my mother who actually went to and art institute. Money wouldn't be a problem there.

Where does this leave me?

Two art projects not finished. Two out of five. That's two!! Two grades right there, that i can't turn in. So, there i go failing that.

I'm so lost. I don't know what i should do... It's the end of the sememster, i Can't make up these projects because my art building is being reconstructed, that's why the lab is closed. The clay is hard, i'm having some soak in water to moisten, so i can try to finish something... but i can't even glaze or fire them.

I can't, there's no way i can finish them.

I walked in from going to the art store and buying new supplies and Eren greets me...

"HI HONEY! How are you?"

"Right now, i'm going to go into the bathroom, measure out 3 inches of water, and prove to the world, that, Yes, you can drown like that."

"So we going swimming?!"

"Yep, get your suit on. Let's go drown."


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