Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
03.13.04 - 12:25 am

I've added more metal into my body.

I have four. My mother has six peircing... I have to catch up.

I sit here, looking into my face, into the reflection making contact back into my eyes... wonder, what changes i've gone through.

Body, hair, mind... A soul grows w/ it's body suposedly. A new addition to my peircings...

Have i grown? Can i grow?

I can't imagine love... not love from outside my small family.

I veiw myself differently than others. Why can't i see w/ their eyes... see their taller or short angles of their horizons.

I'm tired of seeing a reflection that just stares back, blank face. Blank eyes, outlined in black lashes. Flat cheeks showing no laughter.


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