Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Farewell cowboy
07.12.04 - 7:32 pm

I've been thinking.. what actual positive news have i had as of late? Um, none.

Yay for me. On to the never ending bad news.

Yesterday, slow day at the pool... no one jumping down my throat, no drowning people (always a plus), the only problem was the chlorinators... which i left up to the manager and head lifeguard. Sucks for them for having to put their hands in straight chlorine...

Then Brandon calls... twice. If a person calls me twice in a row you know something could be bad, but... no message. Then a text, "Call me when you can."

Whatever, the boy's not my boyfriend any more, and he's calling me more than he was before. Pft.

So, i ignored it... for 3 hours =) Thinking i'm getting some kind of justice of the shit he pulled on me.

I go home, eat, talk to my mother about my lil bro's swim meet, take a shower... at that point totally forgot he called. After all that's done, phone in hand, he text's me "i'm going home for good."

Home for him, is New Mexico...

Um, that's far. Very far.

So... yeah. I'm happy for him but then again, there went whatever hope of me getting back together with him.

It's hard to let go of a person... and while i said there was no turning back after we broke up, it's like... that revenge factor of, "Ha, look at me now, you can't have me so.. Meeehhhh."

Of course, whatever evilness i have inside of me gets shot down by my fighter pilot concience. That fucker. The only pain i'm allow is the pain of beating up my brother, who souly deserves every fucking punch he gets.

So yeah, Brandon is going back to his country town. And thru this all he says to me.

"Well, now you'll have a connection down in Texas." (he's going to New Mexico for a lil bit, then moving to Texas.)

"Wait... what? What do you mean by connection."

"I'm the connection. You have a place to stay if you ever wanna come down and visit."

"Oh, I see... so are you saying a desert is better than lil ol' Delaware. Because lets face it, half the people in this country don't know where the fuck our states are. Why go there when i know it's the same as Delaware... it's just got a lot more land and hicks to fill."

"Good point. Oh, but it's hotter."

"I think my humidity can beat your hotter tho."

He's shocked me twice now. Once when he asked me out, twice to tell me he's leaving.

It's just sad to see the one of the first guys i've ever trusted up and leave. Yeah, i can still call him. But, whatever, ya know shit happens.

There's nothing keeping him here on the east coast.


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