Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Lazy fucker
02.06.03 - 11:04 am

Goddanmit... i'm so fucking lazy...

Woke up at 8:30 and i put my head back down... didn't wake up till 10 >.< not cool, man.

I really need to get my art project done before i go home, and amazingly i don't have any homework for any of my classes to do, and yet i still have to go to fucking study hall... Argh.

I'm going to have to drag all of my stuff there, find a room for myself, and then by the time i have to do that, it'll be 8 and then at 9:15 clean up and head back down and wait till they dismiss us.

-.- annoying process... and no, i can't skip it, we sign in and sign out... and the last time i didn't sign out i got yelled at. And i don't want Pat on my ass...

Damn Damned Lazy Ass...


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