Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Pro now!
05.10.04 - 10:48 am

Yesterday, Rikka, Eren, and myself went to CVS.

I need to get some medication and the damn school store is closed on sundays... so that was my only other option.

And adding Rikka and Eren into the picture, there's something bound to happen.

So, we get there, i get my stuff and remember the one thing that Brandon and I had run out of...

Rikka and i go to that ile (how the hell do you spell ile?? And Eren comes up from behind while we are looking and screams,

"So, how big is he!"

I blanch, turn around, walk away quickly.

Eren is laughing her head off, i'm horrified and Rikka couldn't make up her mind for reprimanding Eren or laughing.


I shouldn't have had those two come w/ me.

On other news, finals are kicking my ass and i have 2 more days to study. And fuck if i know how i'm going to cram for 3 finals, including art projects, today and tomorrow.

I love procrastinating.


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