Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
04.24.03 - 9:06 pm

it's just one of those days...

You either wanna:

a)jump.. off of anything that's remotely high. Dude, a curb will suit just fine, as long as you cause yourself more pain!

b)drown. many ways to do that. You can drown in an inch and a half of water, did ya know that?

c)burn.... well, if actually comitt the things i'm listing, you'll find yourself condemned there by your own religion! Free of Charge!

d)Find yourself chosing all three. One your burning... why cuz by God, you wanna die! But! You freak. So you jump in water, only to find that yourself so fully burned, you can't lift yourself. And so, you drown.

Wow, i'm sinicle tonite.

Prolly cuz i got an ear full of, how to draw nature. But i didn't learn how to draw nature, just that nature's out there to draw.

I'm tired, i'm cranky. Eh.

Ouu... erika and i had a wonderful converstion today.

stonedhenge42O: damn a salad sounds good

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: leave killer ;p

stonedhenge42O: i'm vicious with a fork, what can i say

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: haha

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: at least our food dies w/ a cool sound.

stonedhenge42O: mooooooo

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: mooo *hack* msofiefjowjeifhog.... *gurgles*

3vil 3vil ^____^


A nice change of pace.

Off to read. don't feel like work. When do i ever do work? Ha!


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