Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
The day and a life of art ed
09.22.04 - 9:02 pm

I wish i could do more than what i'm doing now... i love art ed, but it's hard... i love art, but i won't get anywhere in it unless i tag on the Education part.

The asian studies program is now expanding... and hopefully we can get a japanese minor.

So far, because i also going to declare myself as a ceramics minor or major, i would like to add the japanese minor to it.

There's just so much that i'm interested in, while i'm in my 3rd class of japanes and i can't say all that much... It's just the fact that i like it, i'm willing to spend money for it, why shouldn't i have it?

I dunno, i'm just going to have to wait and see what the asian studies department says.

Tomorrow i am also going to a meeting for study abroad. Good luck for me. Considering if they make a japanese minor, i might then just go to japan instead of England... but i'd need to know soon.

This is my plan as of yet.

Major in Art Education, general span of 5/6 years to complete.

Adding Ceramic Major/Minor.

Possible Adding of Japanese Minor.

With the minors it will probably set me back a semester. More than likely i will have to be doing a summer class.

I would love to be doing some wild stuff like glass blowing, japanese ceramics or sumi/calligraphy.

To be this interested in so many things is prolly going to kill me in the end.

I've never been able to settle for less...

I did swimming, that kept me in a bubble for so long, so now all i want to do is explore... and this is the only time i'm going to be able to do it.

By the time i'm completely done with my education i am going to be well into my 30's. I'll be 23 or 24 by the time i graduate and then off to get my masters, which i'm alloted 10 years to get.

That and i've chosen secondary education instead of elementary. I find that all levels of kids like me, but i feel better around kids with a higher level of understanding. Educational psychology has also opened my eyes to the fact that the younger they are, the more i'm able to destroy their little minds... I don't want that hanging of my head.

I'd rather have a kid i can push around a bit and leave me room to destroy.

Nah, i'm not like that...

Now i'm off to learn about special ed students.


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