Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
02.26.06 - 1:05 pm

I'm still overworked. This week I gathered 7 more hours than I should... I already work 8 hours for the pool and another 4 hours for class. I can't seem to find the time anymore to do homework. I should be working on it now, but you know how that is... procrastination.

It'll get done, just not at the moment. I have been productive during work though. I have to do this journal for class, but it's not like a written log of how you feel. It's all my notes and hand outs that I get. It's a bitch and a half... I'm basically scrap booking. It's taken me something like 4 hours to pull 2 pages together.

It's bullshit. I'm just not happy right now. Everything isn't perking up. I'm still dealing with the apartment situation. I told Erin last night that I'm prolly going to be bailing on her. I had to lay it out flat, but I asked her if me bailing was going to give her problems for finding a place. The two of us have had this idea of living w/ eachother for months, and now it's all falling apart do to money and life.

Josh and I are the only thing that's stable at the moment. Which is a blessing but... if this karma is going wrong in my life, when is it going to spread into our relatinship? I don't want it to happen, but I'm expecting it.

Is it ok if we don't fight? That's something that's popped in my head randomly. We certainly don't argue which I think is worse because it's a more serious situation. We've had one argument since we've been together. And it was minor compared to the past ones. Those past ones always ended up w/ us questioning why we were together.

I'm not wanting to fight with him... but I've never gotten into a fight w/ anyone other than family members before... just food for thought.

Now I'm going back to work. I have too much stuff due and so little time.


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