Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Fuck me and fuck them
07.04.03 - 9:52 pm

W/ only having my cell for two days now... i have 8 phone #'s.

That's disturbing... for me at least. it's just scary. So far, for all the ppl that have picked up my phone, have added their #'s into it. And then come's the promise...

"I'll call ya sometime and we can hang out."

Go to hell.

Empty promises... all of 'em. And lately, it's just been pissing me off.

And also the fact that, non of these ppl have my cell #... So... how the hell are they going to call me to hang out?

I'm not going to call them... i'm not going to act like a stalker and just call them out of nowhere.

Half of these ppl are coworkers at the camp i work at... i see these ppl everyday, why would i want to hang out w/ them when i see them for 7 hrs straight?

Well... i'm full-filling my anti-social prediction. I've reverted into what i was last yr. Except now, it comes w/ the fact that i get these promises and it fucking annoys me.


It's just frustrating and annoying. Oh yeah. to add to that, depressing.

I want to be left alone, and yet i would like someone to spend time w/ me while i'm alone.

Fuck me and fuck them.


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