Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Dreams that i want to forget
10.18.04 - 12:53 pm

Brandon was in my dreams last night i am stunned to say the least.

Not only that, but i have the weirdest dreams... In one i was chaced by two children while i was wearing stripper heels, even in my dream i couldn't walk or run in heels. Then i was at the beach walking alongside of the road trying to get there, and a guy comes along side me rollerblading w/ a helmet doing some cool moves, so i tell him that's pretty awasome. The guy takes his helmet off and it's Brandon. Next was a swimming dream, w/ my old team and i was living w/ them.

That's the jist of all of them, the details that i tell are far weirder. I know what produced two of the dreams.

Saturday, i bought clear plastic heels, like stripper shoes, but i call them my Cinderella shoes.

That night, was my swim coaches wedding, where i was with all the alumni. All of us that were there, we were John's babies. That's the basis behind the swim dream. Which did and didn't include Pat (college coach), I didn't see him in the dream, but we swam at my college. All of my swimming dreams as of last year after quitting have included Pat. Always, never fails.

But as far as Brandon goes... I have no fucking clue why he was in my dreams last night. I talked breifly about him at the wedding, but not more than 5 sentences.

I don't like it. I Also don't like the fact that in the dream, i was all over him. Then i remember the last time i saw him he huged me and i recoiled a bit, then in the dream i recoiled too while remembering that fact. But i still preceded to fawn after him.

Ugh. I during the dream i was enjoying myself... now, i most certainly am not.

This is not how i wanted to wake up this morning/afternoon.

I've skipped all of my classes, so i can do work and get the sleep i missed over the weekend. Now i need to study, and i can't.

Siiigh. This semester is killing me.


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