Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
11.23.02 - 12:36 am

Holly Fuck... Guster was sooo awsome!! Ahh!!

Wow... amazing!

the drumer/ bango guy... was the coolest... the way he beat the drums was kick ass!

and my hands are numb and it's hard to type ^^;;

Dude... Pat his on a war path... he fucking kicked Boob out of practice for a fucking week.. just cuz he thought he didn't finish a set! WTF... and now we have a meeting at 8 tomorrow... *shakes head*

Pat can go jump off a cliff and die for all i care. I don't know what's up his pompus ass... but it needs to be taken care of...

Tomorrow i get to run a 5k or something... i'm Not looking forward to this... not at all... and we're doing it After we swim... ;_;

alright... i need sleep... something i'm lacking cuz i stayed up till 3 last night cuz Pat's words to me were ringing thru my head... but thankfully Boob was on, and he sympathized w/ me, and told me he was in the same situation that i was in the begining...

It's hard going from an absolutly positive coach... to a negative one... not cool man... not cool at all..

Alright! sleep! my numbness in my hands aren't going away and my eyelids are drooping!


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