Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
homework, eat, or sleep... Yay!
05.28.05 - 10:53 pm

Eh, nothing to report.

I'm bored is all. I've been watching the anime, Naruto, for 2 hours now. Heh heh, I'm waisting my time watching tv again! This is prolly the first time in a long while.

First day of summer work was today. Had a semi-storm go through. I got off 2 hours early, which made me happy.

It sucks right now. I lost my voice due to a cold. Yelling at kids isn't possible now.

I cried inside. Hehe.

No one's going to listen to a mute lifequard.

We had 8 guards on duty today, but it's over a period of time. By the time I left 7 of us were there, and we had only 3 guard stations. So, 3 sat, 4 did nothing.

Except the other girl and myself got to attack this huge fucking pile of sand. We have a "beach" at the pool. Which is fucking stupid. Sand and pool... don't mix.

Ah well... I could do homework now... considering I'm taking one of my summer classes now. My second one starts on June 20th.

I have a class on children books. If you ever go into a book store, pick one up, then look at the price on it.

For works of art its fucking cheap.

For books, it's fucking expensive.

Now, either I do homework, eat, or sleep...

Try to pick my favorite =)


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