Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Let my ppl be free~!!~
06.25.03 - 11:54 am

Dude... i think i need to un-bury my life from my back yard...

Jury duty was today, i survived Wilmington! Whoo Hoo! It's actually not that bad down there... in the sunlight at least.

Since i got there and hr early *mummbles something about my annal mother* and just sat in front of the court house in the cool shade waiting to go in.

So around 8, i head on in... find my way to the office, and sit... and wait... And then we went thru the instructions w/ a funny lady, so that at least amused me for 20 mins. Then we watched a lil movie about "What It's Like to be a Jury" and then waited Again... then the lady came back in and said,

"Let my ppl be free!"

And then we left.

It was painless... a waist of time... but painless.

And now all i have to do i guard from 2:30 till 7:00, and i'm done for the day! ^_^

Oh and i stole this from live journal.

Magic Number8
JobSerial Killer
PersonalitySunshine And Blue Skies
SexualIf I Have To
Likely To WinThe Booker Prize
Me - In A WordBelligerent
Brought to you by MemeJack


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