Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Shaken not stirred.
06.23.05 - 1:49 pm

Now that I've had my whole world shaken and ever last bit of nerve crumbling to peices... I'm kind stable at the moment.

Waking up curled in a tight ball this morning was an indication that I wasn't ready to face the world this morning.

My boss did give me some encouraging words this morning. Came right up and hugged me. He asked how my horrible time was yesterday and if it's any better, my response, "Still a horrible day."

I missed the beginning of my lessons but my kids were late anyways so that didn't matter. Garett was there ready to cry and scream. As soon as his mom walked away he fell to the ground w/ me trying to hold him up.

"Oh please Garett not today," I moaned at his wiggling back.

Maggie was there to save the day, picked him up and put him in the biggest bear hug. I don't think any child can escape a hug like that...

I took Lucy down to the baby pool. She started to cry because if was cold. I bent down looked her in the eye and told her. "I don't want any of that. You're not crying, your fine." That set her in hysterics, I pulled her up, sat her on my hip, and told her, "No crocidile tears today." And then sat her back in the water.

She fussed a little bit more, but I started to sing for her. We sang the ABC's and the Itsy bitsy spider song, that cheered her right up.

I really didn't want to deal with children's tears today. I have my own tears to deal with. And seeing them cry just made me want to smack them.

I can't help but wish that I was in highschool again, swimming my heart out, and not having to worry about anything.

I like being in college, I like the freedom I have, but if this whole summer is going to be like this... I won't have any sanity left for fall semester.

I'm having a hard enough time picking up my crumbling foundations as it is.

I just need to focus on the next few hours.

My insurance guy is coming today to check up on my car, to asses the "damage". He talked to the other driver today and she dropped the injury charge.

I also need to make a pop up book. Well not book but page...

Did you know that the people the make pop up books are called Paper Enginers?

I fucking beleive it considering I'm trying to make one. Which I'm off to do now.


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