Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
12.18.04 - 1103351011

Just when i thought i was making some sense of my life, something decides to go wrong.

Last night, Vicki, Beth, and myself went out to Balti. to have fun. We come back, settle in, watch Lilo and Stitch, and i decide to call Dave to see what he's up to.

Dave was drunk off his ass, he convinced his friends to go to Millennium and see me.

The come over, trashed. They over stayed their welcome and left.

I left 5 mins later, found a fire exstinguiser out of it's stand. I put it back, and go back to my to try to fall asleep.

I'm woken up by a 4:30 am, "i'm sorry, i was drunk" phone call.

Next day, i'm franticlly packing, trying to help my friend move into my apartment, and Dave calls me saying his friend, Emmy, left her coat at Vicki's place. I had a final, there was no time for me to give it to them, which put more time constraint on me.

Some how i get by, i'm headed to my final, hand my keys and one-card to Asya so that she can get into my building to help make her unpaking easier.

Got to my final. It wasn't that bad. I get out 2 hrs later, i had a message from Beth saying she needed me to call her, and there was something about her voice that scared me.

I ran over to the library, forgot a book, i was getting more frustrated about my day at that point because after that i had to figure out how to get my keys from Asya.

I called Beth, all she told me was to get home as fast as i could and to meet her at Vicki's.

I called Asya, found her, carried a beta fish for 15 mins all the way back to my dorm kinda panicing at that point.

I get to my dorm, run to Vicki's. As soon as i get into the room this is what i get.

Beth:"Something happened last night..."

Me:"Did the guys do anything to the room?"

Beth:"No, nothing like that... they tried to set off a fire extinquisher in the hall way and the building manager came by to talk to us about them. He said that because they were your guests that there might be some charges."

Me:"What? Why..."

Beth:"We told them they weren't our guests and that they were yours. You might be charged for damages that they had done or community service... The reason they know this is because they taped a guy in a red shirt pulling the fire extinquisher out of it's stand. Dave was the only one wearing a red shirt."

That's when i broke down and cried.

I haven't cried all fucking semester.

If Dave had set off the fire extinquisher, i could possibly have been kicked out of my apartment or the school if they felt i was responsible.

Thank god he was too drunk to pull the pin. But the basturd tried.

I'm just so disgusted by his behavior.

Yes he was drunk. But that's not and excuse. I'm not taking that. Being drunk is just you on a stupider level. It's still you and he was an asshole the whole night.

This was also the first night i saw him drunk and he was embarassing me infront of my friends.

Needless to say, he's not allowed in the apartment until he earns the trust of Vicki and Beth.

I talked to the manager, and the matter won't be taken care of until spring semester. It was only a minor offense and there was no damage to anything. I will probably only be charged for community service which won't be put on my record and i can have Dave serve my service hours.

I talked to him today about it. He felt really sorry, but still, doesn't matter.

His appologies mean nothing to me.

I don't know if i can trust him.

He was drunk, but like i said that's only you in a stupider mannor. It's still you, and if you'll pull that shit in my apartment when i know i wouldn't, there's a problem.

Dave asked me,"Haven't you pulled any stupid shit?"

My response,"Yes and no, and definatly not on the severity of this case."

There's a double standard. If he feels he can pull shit in my apartment, then what should stop me from pulling shit in his apartment?

Doesn't matter if your drunk or not.

He needs to understand that i lived with a drunk for part of my childhood.

I hate the effects of alcohol on people. I will drink it, but i know when to stop. I know when whatever i'm doing isn't right.

You may loose part of your sense of right and wrong when your drunk, but you still have a choice. You can still choose to do something.

My knight isn't a knight. His nickname is going to be Sober from now on. Because that was the logo of his shirt the night he did this.

And Sober better shape up, otherwise the hang over i give him won't be one he'll wanna get.


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