Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
(entry 2)Every day you learn something new� even if it's unpleasant...
06.02.02 - 1:28 am

:Notice:READ ENTRY #0 OR #1 OTHER WISE YOU WILL BE LOST!! This is entry #2

So back onto Justine.. she pissed me off too many times and Sara has the same feelings as i do. The girl doesn't know when to shut up and leave things be. So we go over to Justine's place.. there's no one there we know.. it's only her family.. so we leave quickly thank god!!!

Then onto Maggie's party... Kristin and Sara left cuz Kristin's mom wanted her home at her party.. so i stayed cuz i was having fun talking to erika and mag's b-f. I can't tell you how nice it was to be there.. know that i didn't have to go to a lower level was nice..then erika brings up the subject of atac... And Maggie doesn't say much about it.. but i know she's reconized the immaturity. (off the subject) Oh yeah.. i ran into a stop sign... before i got to Mag's party... heh.. i went into the wrong street and was backing up.. i was frustrated and i backed up too much.. the stop sign is leaning a hell of alot more than it should be, but my car got away w/o a scratch ^_^ Mags, erika, kristin, and sara had a huge laugh abou that.. so did i once i saw there was no damage to my tank of a car ^_^

Back to the party scene... i leave maggie's house with her promise that she'll come by to kristin's cuz i didn't wanna be the only one lowering my mind set for these ppl...so.. i wait for like 2 hrs for her to show up.. in that prd... i swam.. played water basketball w/ laura... and begged kristin to get in the pool. eventually mags came and my boredom subsided... but then she left and it went down hill. For maybe an hr.. Kristin, Sara, Laura, and Stacey (when she arrived) discussed the whole ex thing again. Atleast then i knew what they were talking about.. and Christina even called. That's when the whole ex-b-f harassement started... then it excalated into something more..after the ex started to ignore their calls they moved on.. then the next 30 mins they spent trying to talk to this waiter named Dom and ask him to come over. they know him from their (the atac group) fave resturant. From what i learned.. Dom gave them free dinners.. he got fired.. so they spent the rest of the time debating who was going to call and find the info(dirt) about him disapearing. During that time.. i got even more bored and the drull converstation just got to me.. so i layed down, closed my eyes, and just listened to their chatter. When they finally got tired of phone tag... they left and only me and sara were left sitting there by ourselfs.. And you know the only reason i'm actually telling you my story is because of what i was thinking in my head. Kristin was having a sleep over.. i was debating in my head.. whether or not i should stay... it's sad that i have to debate in my head. I either want to be there or not. And i didn't. I felt bad leaving Sara.. but considering she does fine at their level seemed to show that she was going to survive the night.

So there you have it. But you know what? my life is certainly more complicated than that. There is still another group in need to introduce to you.. but thye are of a differnt type of ppl.. but all in all they are still strange but fun. Isn't it great on how 4 yrs of highschool can change you perceptive of thing... and when you are ready for another change, you turn in a completely different direction to learn.. that what you thought before.. isn't at all what it should have been. So kiddies.. i hope you learn from my experience.. because everything isn't what they seem to be.. some things can be illusions. Don't let the illusions improve your eyesight, look deep and let them burn your vision. For in the end.. you may be blind from pain.. but you know what to look for..

wE ArE aLl MaD HeRE...


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