Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
(entry #1)Every day you learn something new� even if it's unpleasant.....
06.02.02 - 12:56 am

:Notice: This is entry #1. READ entry #0 Every day you learn something new� even if it's unpleasant..... FIRST!!

Doesn't it suck when you have to lower youself to ppl's way of understanding just so you get get along w/ them?? i do it all the time for ATAC... the only exception is Sara... but that's only when she's alone tho.. but it sucks other wise.. I will do the degrading of my intellegence for lil kids. and only for them cuz they don't have the knowledge and experience.. but when you're my age.. i don't want to do that. And that's what i did all day. But not with my Stray Cards.. no. They are different. When i'm w/ them i feel like a better person. The Stray Cards include me in convo's, when i'm confused they make an effort to help me out.. atac won't do anything for me.. i have to ask them repeatedly for info that is withheld from me only because i wasn't there it hear it first. Do you know how tired i get for playing the dumb blonde rutine?? Yes. i do have the sterio-typical episodes of blonde-ness like confusion, triping, running into walls.. you name it. But it has nothing to do w/ the way i think. Sara is the only one who includes me any more.. lori beth has made an attempt.. i'll give her that.. laura.. i don't even hang out w/, she's nice.. but i don't know her... but the rest.. phft..they don't do shit.

Now that i've gotten some of my shit off my chest on to the order of events of how my day occured...


2.Kristin's house

3.Samatha's house

4.Stacey's house

5.Justine's house

6.Maggie's house

7.Back to Kristin's house

At Kristin's house Sara and I pigged out on food and waited for the rest of the atac to show.. the didn't show.. so we went to Sam's house.. now she's very smart... graduated in the top 10 of my class i think.. She's in my Stray Cards group now.. her party was ok.. we didn't stay long.. only to sample food ^^;;.. she had good brownies.. N'E'Way... On to Stacey's.. Sara and i just hung together while kristin and stacey did their "twin" thing.. they aren't seperated at all any more.. This is where i got all the gossip of up and coming event's with Kristin's ex-bf conserning Christina.. this is where i was blinking and didn't understand a whole lot of crap, and i had to ask them a ton of times to explain. Apparently, Chrisina wants to go out w/ kristin's ex.. not a good idea.. that's where immaturaty comes in... if you are smart about relationships.. don't go out w/ on of you so call best-f's ex.. So now it's caused some comotion.. I really didn't care at that pt... the to Justine.. i hate her.. she's a pleaser and wants to know everything and be the center of attention. I hate fake ppl. You show me a mask and i'm going to tear it off. From the first day i meet her i didn't like her.. i was nice tho.. i tried to be her friend.. it just didn't work out.. cuz whenever i tried to have a converstation w/ her... she would act like she new everything... She tried to fight w/ me about stick shift cars... i drive a stick shift.. i don't know alot about cars.. but i do know about what kind of cars are stick. She tried to say that they are hardly made any more.. Yeah right!!!! BMW, Mercades, VW make stick shifts.. in fact VW jettas to my knowledge are only stick. There could be some that aren't.. but i know that every jetta i've been in are stick.. and i know for a fact vw bugs only come in stick.

Ok this is getting too long... on to the next entry page!!


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