Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
The world turns to much like a mobile... out of my control.
06.15.02 - 12:56 pm

Tis Saturday. Heh... tis nice to be lazy for once and not have to worry about screaming at campers today... only downside is i get bored easily... my attention span is very small. I have tons of patience... but when it comes to me giving things my attention is troubling.. expecially when i'm bored. I know.. it's messed up... but when sociaty is messed up.. what do you get? messed up kids.

What i want to do is take my messed-up-ness an put it to good use... like going to college!! 12 yrs of school is worthless... college is where you learn the important stuff. There is no pt in highschool... i didn't learn anything there so why bother w/ it?? I can't wait till college. I already know my who i'm rooming w/... so there's not much more i need to do! I'm ready. I want to go today. Forget the summer. But unfortunatly i have to wait till August.. what the hell. Argh.

We ArE aLl MaD hErE...


"/Everything's changing when I turn around/

/I'm out of my control/

/I'm a mobile/" Avril Lavigne

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