Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
the coffee mouse has no tail
06.16.02 - 10:12 pm

Today i got an idea for a graduation gift from my aunt and uncle.. All thanx to Melissa ^_^ I'm trying to fing a grapics tablet.. or basically a drawing pen that's a mouse that might come w/ or w/o a tablet to draw on. Dun matter... as long as i find one for a decent price. It's just i know nothing of these things... so i hope i do well in my searching.

Melissa and i had an all nighter anime marathon of Escaflowne!! My Fave Series!! ^_^ It's the best!! We started around 9 sat night and then we didn't finish it until 5:30 that morning. Twas a long night ^^;;. I fell asleep around 3-ish and freaked Melissa out cuz i was twitching in my sleep, Oo;; i don't understand that either... but ah well. I guess i was trying to get Van in my dreams last night... he's such a cutie! Even if he's moody. Oh... Erika *screams in merles voice*"VAN-SAMA!!"*evil grin* Erika hates Merle... a very devoted friend of Van. hehe... i hope she reads this entry, lol.

Time for Beddy Bye!! Sleepy Dreams ppl!!

We aRe aLl MaD hErE...


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