Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
11.04.03 - 12:10 pm

i had a bad dream last night...

My mom and i had a fight, but a real physical one... she threw plates at me, anything...

I woke up almost in tears...

All i could feel was a pain in my chest, and an echo of my mom laughing...

I took 3 deep breaths, and entered another dream of me traveling the world to see my friends... but that didn't go so well. Something happened to Kiran... i remember her calling my cell and explaining everthing, but i couldn't understand because of the static.

At least that wasn't as bad as my first dream.

Just the fact that my mom threw something at me w/ the intent of hurting me scared me.

In reality my mother would never do that... so why so in the dream?


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