Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Wow, another update!
05.29.04 - 8:23 pm

It's good to be lazy.

All i've practically done this week is work on my art, sleep, and put in a couple of hours cleaning a pool.

Yeah that was fun... vacuming a pool for 4 hours, with the filter breaking on me half way done.

Ah well.

Brandon hasn't called me in... 4 to 5 days.

Kinda bugs me but kinda doesn't.

I text him, he doesn't respond.

Last night i couldn't sleep so i thought of him, and the idea came up that we really haven't set any rules down... like are we strictly boyfriend girlfriend, or are we just dating right now?

Yes, we call eachother boyfriend girlfriend... but we was calling me that 2 weeks in, just because it a nicer term than say, "Oh, it's the girl i'm dating..."

I could go back to Towson in 2 weeks, have him all to myself for a weekend, and not have a clue if he's seeing some other girl.

I don't think he'd be that type of guy. But i don't know him too well. I know habits, i can guess by actions, by his words... that's just guessing.

By no means is that a straight answer.

It's discouraging to have to think these things.

My mom keeps asking me, "has he called?"

"No, Mom... not yet."

"Well, i guess it's not that serious."

I think it's actually given him some brownie points on that one.

My mom doesn't hate Brandon, she just hates his second job... which i don't even know if he's started yet.

There are just uncertainties... i don't like the fact that they're there.

Pft, like he's going to call and see how i'm doing anyways...


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