Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
blah blah...
09.03.02 - 2:06 pm

Finally i get the fucking dorm to myself!! Dear god!! I wanted to work on my art project when i has some spare time when my prof let us out early... but Chris was here... so no pt in spreading out my work...

I have practice at 3... and i'm eating... so i doubt i'm going to get to work on my project now...

And it was really nice when Chris went out last night so i feel a sleep for once... Ou!! i found this most genious way to help me fall asleep... i love to fall asleep to music... so, i obviously get my cd play... i forgot the charger so i don't waste the batteries... smooth move Em... n'e'way! i was playing w/ my computer... since i have tiny weird shape speakers... i just stuck one up against the wall and pulled the wire up... so now i have a speaker right next to my pillows!! i pulled it up and burried it amongst them... oh dear god... it was the best night sleep since i've been here.. But, then it got rudely disturbed by Chris who couldn't shut up on her cell phone! Dear god. She fucking talked to her boy friend from 1 till 2 am. -.- i am not a happy person! but i'm a fucking whimp to say anything...

I thought i wouldn't like my history class... but my prof is way cool. You can get her off subject in an instant! And she makes it interesting cuz she puts it in words that we'll understand... so it's not that bad... i basically have no homework other than taking notes from a book.

My art class... that's a diff story. I felt so small in that class. I thought he wanted us to do this connect the dots project... well only 3 ppl did it... the rest went on a tanget and made awsome drawings... I hate to say it... but i wish i was in highschool art class... then i wouldn't have to feel like shit when ever i walk in there.

English... eh... prof is ok... he has weird gesture habits like... pulling on his coller... and scratching his skin until it bleeds... yeah.

Fuck... practice. Damit... gotta finish my food and go.


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