Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Box, locker, i don't know what the fuck it is...
05.08.03 - 9:35 am

According to erika's friend i am now a smurf...

stonedhenge42O: i'm firey

stonedhenge42O: and fiesty

stonedhenge42O: fiest, fiest!

stonedhenge42O: feist?

kallimas dream: i wasn't just going to say emilie is hot...nope...not me...

stonedhenge42O: hahahahahaha

stonedhenge42O: emilie's straight.

kallimas dream: i don't care

kallimas dream: she's still hot

stonedhenge42O: at least she says she is

stonedhenge42O: i'm convinced though that she likes fish

(The fish thing's an inside joke. It's basically it's the same thing as saying grl so fish=grl, got it?)

stonedhenge42O: ;-)

stonedhenge42O: she's said so herself, she's questioned it.

stonedhenge42O: perhaps she's more asexual.

kallimas dream: i see

stonedhenge42O: no boyfriend/boy experience, no girlfriend/girl experience, no real desire either way.

kallimas dream: interesting

kallimas dream: maybe she's secretly a smurf

kallimas dream: unless you've seen Donnie Darko it's very VERY unlikely you'll get that

stonedhenge42O: nope.

stonedhenge42O: i'll work on that

kallimas dream: it's a GOOD movie

stonedhenge42O: so i've heard, ha

kallimas dream: here's the deal

stonedhenge42O: give me the deal.

kallimas dream: heh

kallimas dream: Donnie Darko is arguing with his friends about Smurfs

kallimas dream: yes, Smurfs

kallimas dream: it's three guys and the one guy says "we need a Smurfette" implying they need a girl to screw, meaning...Smurfette just hit all the other smurfs in the sack

kallimas dream: Donnie is letting the two guys argue and he's like "alright, first of all, Smurfette wasn't created by Papa Smurf she was created by Gargomel to spy on the other smurfs. And secondly, the smurfs don't screw (not exact lines) they don't have any room for genitalia in those tight white pants.

stonedhenge42O: uh huh

kallimas dream: You see, that's what's so illogical. what's the point of living if you don't have a dick?!"

stonedhenge42O: ha

kallimas dream: and then the other guy says "Ahhh Donnie, why do you have to go getting all logical on us?"

stonedhenge42O: lol

kallimas dream: and then they see Grandma Death and other stuff happens

stonedhenge42O: gotcha

stonedhenge42O: i think

kallimas dream: so maybe Emilie is a smurf?

stonedhenge42O: i'll run that one by her

kallimas dream: might not be the best

kallimas dream: cause I'm sure you'll tell her I think she's hot

stonedhenge42O: sucks for you!

kallimas dream: ah well

kallimas dream: tell her I'd explore her Smurf pants too if she's not sure.

stonedhenge42O: she's going to be soooo embarassed

kallimas dream: ah, don't embarrass her...

kallimas dream: i don't want that

stonedhenge42O: :-D

For one, i'm not embarrassed, i was laughing my head off at 8 in the morning reading this convo that Erika sent me.

Erika thinks it's pay back for what i did to her... but nope. ^_^ Sweet heart, go find some good black mail.

Anyway, lately i've been busy as a bee.

I was in my dorm, Litterally for only 30 mins yesturday until i got back after dinner did i actually Stay there.

I had so much shit i had to do...

Well, i had class... but for my last class my classmates, Jen and Beth, we had to build our lockers/boxes.

We couldn't get to a scrap metal place, so our boxes are made out of wood... minor problem. But oh well.

So, my art class started at 10, i wasn't out of there till 3:30.

What did i do for at least 5 hrs?

I was building the fucking box. Well, with the help of the other two grl. I did most of the labor. Which i don't mind, i like to get these things done and over w/.

And since i was the only one willing to go near the table saw, i had the job of cutting.

And thank god! that i had prior experience w/ a drill. Cuz the other two grls didn't. So yeah, i pre-drilled, and then screwed the boxes together.

One box took around an hr, cuz we didn't know how we were going to put it together...

And then jen's box and mine only took around 45 mins. We definatly moved production on those ^_^

And then i painted them w/ gesso and i painted mine w/ the actual color last night.

So yeah. not done... yet...

And now i have to do some work for a class. Fun.


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