Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
12.23.02 - 8:24 pm

This yr... ppl have just been going thru shit.

It hasn't been a forgiving yr for any of my old highschool friends...

Two of them i just found out had to go to Rockford, an institution to help troubled teens for things... =( not drugs and shit... just problems in general...

And you two have my support ^_^ i should have been put in there a long time ago... reasons still unknown, but known only to you ;p

and Helen, hang in there grl. I know you're strong. Just finding it is half the battle ^_^ Don't let fate ruin your life... challenge it.

so yeah... right now i'm just in a hole... learning that helen's father died wasn't the news i was expecting... i know i'm not very close to her as a friend. but the news still affects me.

My grandfather died from cancer, and it was just painful looking at him.

And i hate it when i picture him in the hospital bed half delirous from being on the meds...

*shakes head*

I got my hair cut today... it's fucking awsome... but yeah... i'm not in the mood to rant and rave about it.

Just doens't seem important anymore...


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