Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
The chlorine smells like corn oO;;;
08.02.02 - 6:02 pm

Whoo Hoo!! Dear god, it is good to be back! Geez... waking up and going straight to the pool every morn' with 4 other swimmers... yeah that was a hard one! And being bright and chipper. -.- That face seemed to be stuck on the whole time... sadly enought. I'm going to have to rush this entry cuz i'm on my bro's computer and not on mine cuz he needs a program or something ^^;; So! this is going to be a quick over view.

'k. The swim meet. Great. My ego... deflated. I actually didn't pump myself up at all... why? cuz of the great swimmers there. I felt soo pathetic there. Cuz all i was doing was swimming relays!! everyone else individuals. ARGH!

The ppl. Got annoying. First 2 days... i was left out almost immdeatly... which by the way stucked, major. *shrugs* nothing i could do about it. I was really hurt by it tho. So, while they were having fun... i had a pity me cry and the next morn' i blocked them out. I'm glad i brought books. They were my life line to the real world. Kinda ^^;;

We hooked up w/ another team cuz they only had 4 ppl, 2 guys and 2 grls. And omg. This guy named Pedro (sp??)(from brazil!!) was soooo cute. We were sitting next to eachother and he asks my age and blah blah... and starts flirting w/ me!! i was like whoa... this kid btw told me he was 17 i looked in the roster... he's 15!! Why are all the young ones soo cute!! And bold. I let him flirt i really didn't care... i had some good laughs. He said i had nice legs oO;; i just laughed my ass off. I was like, "dude... i'm a breast strokerer... i have bulging thighs." and he said... "But they are nice thighs" OO Yeah. ^^;; I laughed even harder just to hide how freaked out i was.

One of the grls from the Madison team was really nice... we became friends instantly ^_^ Her name is Blaire and she's soo cool. Preppy, but awsome ^_^ John my coach, had a children cd that we played every day... cuz the songs are really wierd and funny. And one night coming home from dinner, Blaire starts singing w/ the songs. So i join in. And everyone starts staring at us and we are laughing and we were just having a jolly good ol' time ^_^ That was my highlight of the meet. Singing w/ Blaire and making jack asses of ourselves!! LoL!!

Din Din Time!! Yum Yum. Food good. More description of my week of hell tomorrow... or even later tonight, LoL!

We ArE aLl MaD hErE...


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