Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
the time to go is when the mushroom turns over
08.03.02 - 8:04 pm

i'm on my new 'puter!! YaY!! ^_^

This think is kick ass. Now all i gotta do is transfer all of my shit from my mom's puter to mine. it'll take a day or two... but it's worth it.

3 weeks till i leave. OO i'm scared. Why?? dunno. Well.... ok i do have a reason... from my experience from last week... i know why i'm scared. I'm going to be alone. Considereing... i am a pretty anti-social person... but i do like ppl moving in my house and being able to yell at my bro's. There won't be any of that in Towson. No familiar smells or noises. Nothing. It's going to be me and my room mate.

Last week was hard for me. To be stuck w/ ppl that i spend hrs on end w/ in a pool and then figure out that they are complete dim wits is hard. I had to play baby sitter for the grl i was w/ cuz she was only 12... so i keep her close at hand... and then to be ignored for most of the week isn't what i call "fun".

I hate swimming clicks. they suck. You are seperated by ablilty and by who you hang w/ after practice. Me... i floated. *shrugs* it was simple considering i went from fastest to 2nd fastest lane. But... these ppl were only kids. The other 18 yr old was acting like a kid!! And not to mention the 12 yr old younger brother there to claw me and punch me to death. *sighs* twas a hard week...

So back to college. I'm not going to have my cat to cuddle w/ me at nite. My poor kitty... she's going to flip out when i leave. She wouldn't stop purring and cuddling me last nite. Everytime i woke up... she'd purr and rub her head against me. I'm going to miss my kitty ;_;

I'm going to miss my mom, too. She's my best friend. I can tell her everything. Everything! No lies. I can't tell her lies or i break down and cry. I know i'm definatly going to cry the first night... either that or stay online and cry.

Dunno if i'm going to miss my dad and bro's... they don't really do anything for me... ^^;; i do love them. But... my dad... he's detatched from me cuz he doesn't do anything w/ me. Andrew and Chris... i'll miss Chris.. dunno about Andrew. I've had a deep resentment towards Andrew ever since he was born... he took my play toy away from me (my dad). Dad would do everything w/ me and chris... once andrew came... everything changed.

*sighs* This is going to take me a very long time to adjust. No one i know is going to Towson... i would definatly be alone... and my room mate... i think i scared her... i haven't heard from her in a while ^^;;

but i know i'm ready to leave... that's another thing!! I haven't cried at all. Not at Graduation... and i didn't at my Banquet for swimming. Not a tear. I was smiling and being happy. and the other 18 yr old swimmer, she's cried everytime she has to say goodbye to someone, oO;; I'm just wierd....

Confused and wierd...


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