Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Creak Creak, Rabbit Rabbit.
11.16.03 - 1:42 am

Well, i've been warned

"Put your music on..."

Yeah, it's that kind of night. I even listened to my Rabbit for Neighbors last night... *shrugs*

At least i got some kind of warning.

I did Meredith's hair tonight, it looks fucking awsome. I did do a good job, i just put too much black in the front, and there needs to be more in the back. Siigh, that took me at least 2 hrs to do, i dunno... i'm disappointed in myself, i feel bad, even tho she says she loves it... and it looks fucking awsome... i think i needed to do bigger chunks.

Ah well, can't reverse it now.


I should sleep, i'm so tired.

But me and sleep w/ rabbits... who don't multipy, yeah, no sleep for me now.



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