Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
heh, i'm just well... doomed.
06.10.03 - 12:33 pm

Man, i'm fucked. I'm working... and i don't even have a lifeguard certificate anymore... *poof* it died on me, and i missed the class to get recertified.


And my suporvisor was mad pissed at me. but dude, if you woke up at 7 to go to this fucking class, went back home, and fell asleep till 3. Yeah, you wouldn't have remembered to call and see if they held it another day.

Oh well.

I've been fucking lazy lately.

"Em you need to get out" and this is my mother telling me this. Oo


Frankly, i don't want to go out. Why try to hang out w/ ppl that seem like aliens now a days?

Yeah, Erika's always been an alien... She actually is, being canadian. But it's weird coming back from college, and find that, Oh Yeah, they have lives too! And that those lives changed!

Oh yeah! And i predicted myself going back into my lil hole and staying there.

From sept to may, i haven't had any privacey. I just need me time. Even tho that me time is spent sleeping.

I seem to be catching up every hr that i miss in the first semester.

heh... and now i get to guard and teach classes... fun.


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