Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
06.07.03 - 9:47 pm

My hairs a different color today ^_^ actually... several... pink, purple, and the natural color. It's pretty kick ass... i need to do more to the top part of my hair. The pink dosen't like the darkness of my hair, so more purple's going in tomorrow.

As for my day... I met a cool french chick, w/ the same name.

Yep, that's right, i got to meet an Emilie. Spelled the same way, too. Heh. Beat that. Not too many of me's in the world.

Prolly a good thing.

Other than that... nothing exciting happened today.

Oh wait... my lil bro has been bugging the $hit out of my family.

"I want to date!"

"You're too young!"

Not exactly the greatest of combacks... but that's cuz it my mom's rule.

So... my lil 12, soon to be 13, in dear god, in 13 days. Ha! that's cool, he'll be 13 in 13 days. I'm such a loser...

At dinner Andrew's eating crabs, Just for Him, to shut him up. A bribe from my mother... but it doesn't even last 2 minutes.

"I wanna date."

"You're too young, and your brother and sister didn't even start till later."

"You're forgetting, Mom, that Em hasn't even started!"


"That's cuz she's a Lesbian!!" evil laughter follows.

Hey, i'll take being called a lesbian, it's better than some of the other names he calls me.

So i'm sitting there, taking it. Just you wait, lil man, i'll get your ass when you least expect it.

Here's a survey curtesy of kass-t:

Name: Emilie G.

But i'm famous as: Em, CheZ, Blonde, Miss Emilie, and others.

Star Sign: Aquarius

Loves: Swimming, art, my computer, and breathing. Yep. breathing's good.

Bad Habits: Being at the wrong place at the wrong time. I smell like chlorine... not matter how many times i shower. I eat way too much ice cream for one person.

I live to...: Dude, i don't know the reason for my existance.

Obessions: Already posted above w/ loves. Oh yeah, and dying my hair.

Can't stop: I can't stop my heart from beating... Dude! wouldn't that be a cool super power! Stoping Heart Grl! She can fake dead infront of an enemy in and instant!

My ultimate possesion: That would be Spud. My spider hat. He's kinda short two legs... but that's ok ^_^

My Fave body part: I love eyes. Well, i like my hands ^^;; that's cuz i can make anything w/ them, w/ the help of my brain. Half the time when i'm drawing or building something, it's my hands that lead w/ my brain in tow. So eyes and hands.

The bit that i dislike my parents giving me: oO i'm not sure i follow... *looks at self* they didn't do anything except create me... other than that, the lil cells in my body and genes did the rest.

When i hear their name, my heart skips a beat: Um... ok. I have no significant other. So bite me.

What i want to be when i grow up: By law i am a grown up. As as far as i can see... i've grown up into... I have no idea.

You know when i'm around when you hear the words: Jerk Face ;p

What makes me different from everyone else in the world: My gene pool.

How embarassing: Hm.. want an embarassing moment huh? Well.. OU! Read on my friend. You have to go down a lil in the entry, but my moment's there. Oh yeah, that was diffently an experience to share.

I'll never forget the moment when: I'll never forget the time Erika and I were walking out of school together and my mom came to pick me up.

"So Em, who was the guy you were walking w/?"

first i had to fight thru tears to tell Mom, that it wasn't a boy, it was just Erika.

Best Friend Adventures: My notes to Erika were adventures... fully. We had this lil comic going about me being Sailor Moo and her Sailor... the dog from tacco bell. I wanna say Chinchila but that's not it. Oh well. Yeah, she had the power of mexican food, me the power of dairy, and we killed our highschool enemies, including Britney Spears in our many adventures.

The people i will always be friends w/: Ok, this survey is long! I get friends when i get 'em, i'll keep them if i can. I've been ditched by ppl so many times in my life, that most likely after i do get into the "adult world" i'll vanish, and they'll still be somewhere.

What can i see myself doing in 10 yrs: Being Buried alive.

The person who inspires me the most: Well my mom has a great influence on me. But i basically do what i gotta do when i gotta. I've never really had anyone to look up to when i was younger. Chris (older bro), pft. OH what a good role modle he is! I find inspiration in myself.

Hope that amused you... it took the buzz i got from the hiar dye fumes time to difuse from my brain.


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