Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
I'm a dork, oh boy oh boy
04.11.05 - 5:55 pm

Well, I got over the joke my roommates pulled.

I over reacted, but they shouldn't have done it anyway. Both were in the wrong for this one. The were sincere, but I would have much rather enjoyed cookies, instead of my room trashed.

My hippo's turned out =) I didn't kill them in the kiln, which is a blessing for my first firing.

Took 3 days for them to finish.

Oh, that and I had my critique... but Zaruba didn't get to me. I calculated that I must have spent 96 hours on my hippo's. This isn't counting the time it took to creat the clay models.

The minimum requirement for this project was 8 hours.

I'm a glutten for punishment.

My project doesn't even fit the requirements. I don't really care though. It was all for the learning of making molds, and I finally worked in a medium that I was comfortable with.

I should be writting a paper about Richard Cleaver... don't really care about that right now.

Ah well, I should be heading to class anyways.


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