Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
A night of internet mischief
09.21.03 - 12:31 am

** I made a survey! Got take it!!**

I love the song Jamie from Dashboard Confessional.

It's my new obsession. I was singing it all day, walking thru the mall, and i have it playing now.


It's just catchy, easy to get stuck in your head.

But it's a good stuck in your head. Not like, Who let the Dog's out, type of shit.

Bleh. I hate that song w/ a passion.

Oh, yeah, tonight... i had some crazy madness w/ my friends from DE. Of course Erika was in the midst of it... w/ Esha following, but making her own wake.

I mean, it was just hysterical. I was laughing so hard at one pt to tears.

I miss them.

But here are parts of my convo w/ them and their crazyness.

stonedhenge42O: well i'm not leaving yet

stonedhenge42O: lol

Yundaga: bye

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *glares*

stonedhenge42O: i need to print something first.

Arctic Sprite: Yay!

stonedhenge42O: and then i'm going

Arctic Sprite: She's staying!

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: --.--

Arctic Sprite: Let's all dance!

stonedhenge42O: haha

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *sits*

Arctic Sprite: ~*dances*~

Yundaga: *does sprinkler*

Arctic Sprite: DANCE, damn you

Arctic Sprite: ~*kicks em*~

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *gets tripped on*

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: ack!

Arctic Sprite: Oooh, sprinkler

Arctic Sprite: ~*does that too*~

stonedhenge42O: i won't dance unless i'm drunk

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: =-(

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: ditto

Arctic Sprite: ~*gets erika drunk*~

Arctic Sprite: ~*and emilie too*~

stonedhenge42O: *dances all you want*

Arctic Sprite: Yay!

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *too drunk to dance*

Yundaga: lol

Arctic Sprite: ~*kicks em again*~

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *lays on ground*

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: ouuf.

stonedhenge42O: *watches you throw up*

Arctic Sprite: ~*kick kick*~

Arctic Sprite: ~*does sprinkler with Helen..whatever that is*~

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: Bleeeeh

Arctic Sprite: ewww

Arctic Sprite: em threw up

stonedhenge42O: drunk people do that

Arctic Sprite: ewwwww

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *wipes mouth* esha... i think i threw up on your shoes...

stonedhenge42O: hahahaha

Yundaga: nice

stonedhenge42O: good aim

Arctic Sprite: well damn

stonedhenge42O: *throws up on esha's shoes too*

Arctic Sprite: so much for dancing

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: = )

Arctic Sprite: hey, what is this?!

Arctic Sprite: My shoes are NOT a barf magnet

stonedhenge42O: i wanted to be cool too.

stonedhenge42O: yes they are.

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: Bleh!

Arctic Sprite: erika, what have I told you about trying to fit in?

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: we fit in?

stonedhenge42O: only do it when it involves my fingers and a hot girl?

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *rolls over*

Arctic Sprite: um

Arctic Sprite: not exactly

stonedhenge42O: :-D

Arctic Sprite: but oh well

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: lol

Arctic Sprite: This barf is a fashion statement

Arctic Sprite: I'm diggin' it

stonedhenge42O: freak

Arctic Sprite: ~*struts around*~

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: barf grl

Arctic Sprite: you're just jealous

Arctic Sprite: You're ALL jealous

stonedhenge42O: *rolls you around in the puddles of puke*

Yundaga: youur nutty

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *looks at shirt* i was wearing this barf way before you

Arctic Sprite: but of course, helen

Arctic Sprite: Oh please, my barf is more smelly and colorful

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: so i'm cooler

stonedhenge42O: lol no she's just a wanna be

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: it's my barf!

stonedhenge42O: it's not even your own barf

Yundaga: fight!! fight!!

stonedhenge42O: *now she's just

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *tries to stand* common..... BRRRinng it......

Arctic Sprite: ~*throws an exploding plum at em*~

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: **blinks**

stonedhenge42O: *has a drink or three*

Arctic Sprite: I don't know what i just did

Arctic Sprite: my barf is better!

Arctic Sprite: HAHAHA

stonedhenge42O: *challenges em to a game of beer pong*

stonedhenge42O: it's not even your barf

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *throws a orange at esha*

Arctic Sprite: ~*eats the orange*~

Arctic Sprite: It's my barf now

stonedhenge42O: fruit fight! *invites a lot of gay people*

Arctic Sprite: LOL!

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: hahaha

Yundaga: hahah

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: eww.. beer bad

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: Shots better

Arctic Sprite: I smell like puke

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: ;P

stonedhenge42O: that's cause i ROLLED you in it

Arctic Sprite: This is high class eau de toilet smell

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *sprays fabreeze on Esha*

Arctic Sprite: Nooo, you're ruining it em!

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: weee!

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *pours bottle on esha* i have two more back in my dorm...

stonedhenge42O: ........................... sigh

Arctic Sprite: ~*cries*~

Arctic Sprite: I don't smell like barf anymore

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: ^________^ huzzah!

Arctic Sprite: my fashion statement is gone

Arctic Sprite: I'm clean now

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: I am queen!

Arctic Sprite: ~*pukes on em*~

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: eh...

Arctic Sprite: ~*pukes on erika and helen as well*~

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: you didn't drink tho!

Arctic Sprite: so you two don't get jealous of em

Arctic Sprite: well that's magic barf

Arctic Sprite: it magically came

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *magically dissapears*

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: ^___^

Arctic Sprite: ~*magically makes em come back*~

Yundaga: *looks around*

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: GRRR

stonedhenge42O: *smokes a bowl*

Arctic Sprite: it's all maaaagic

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: i want to smoke a bowl! but how do you bowl and smoke? ;p

stonedhenge42O: uh no

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: hahaha

Arctic Sprite: that confused me

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: dun worry about it


aLiCeGoNeMaD84: where is Rabbit?

Arctic Sprite: rabbit is in dorm

Arctic Sprite: dorm doesn't have internet

Arctic Sprite: until monday

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: where are you esha?

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: oooh

Arctic Sprite: I'm at home

Arctic Sprite: cause mom needs to do laundry

stonedhenge42O: lol

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: right right

Arctic Sprite: and I need to be fed

stonedhenge42O: she's just like me :-)

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: lol

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: damn you all

Arctic Sprite: yeah!

Arctic Sprite: you're jealous em

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: i have to do my own laundry

Arctic Sprite: cause I lost 13 pounds in two weeks

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: erika!

stonedhenge42O: and they say that you gain weight at uni

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: you're already too thin!

stonedhenge42O: what? that's notme! that's HER

Arctic Sprite: So are you saying I'm fat?!

Arctic Sprite: Which I am, but still

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: oh...

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: opps

stonedhenge42O: good job em ;-)

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: Oh shit!

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: no wait!

Arctic Sprite: It's cause I don't eat, don't have time to

stonedhenge42O: i don't eat either

Arctic Sprite: all I eat is dinner

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: omg i'm digging myself a hole now

stonedhenge42O: mostly ause i don't want do

Arctic Sprite: and then walk around

stonedhenge42O: to

Arctic Sprite: hahaha

Arctic Sprite: and you're already skinny erika

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: yes, unicorn whore go eat more grass

Arctic Sprite: yes unicorn whore

stonedhenge42O: mmm grass :-)

Arctic Sprite: is brass

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: i knew it was going to turn to that!

stonedhenge42O: is weed

Arctic Sprite: I made a rhyme!

stonedhenge42O: i so proud

Arctic Sprite: yay!

stonedhenge42O: huzzah

stonedhenge42O: i'm hungry i want food

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: huzzah!

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: go get it then

Arctic Sprite: I want fruit

stonedhenge42O: i want some fruit to

Arctic Sprite: Em, get us some fruit

stonedhenge42O: some fruit in the form of a beautiful girl's...

stonedhenge42O: um

stonedhenge42O: yum

stonedhenge42O: :-D

Arctic Sprite: Uh..

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *siiiigh*

stonedhenge42O: juicy.

Arctic Sprite: don't get me THAT kind of fruit

stonedhenge42O: get me that!

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: i have no fruit... i have nuts

Arctic Sprite: LOL!

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: wait...

stonedhenge42O: ..................

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *winces* damnit


Arctic Sprite: Oh, my friend and I had this discussion about whales

Arctic Sprite: she told me that a whale's dick is 96 inches long

Arctic Sprite: and I was like, "wow, I wonder what whale sex must be like"

eviIcookieeIf: i heard that the blue whale has testicles the size of a volkswagon beetle.

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: nice

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: LOL

eviIcookieeIf: i'll be thinking twice next time i get in shannon's vwbug

Arctic Sprite: Ewwwwww

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: lol

eviIcookieeIf: could you imagine getting smacked with one of those

eviIcookieeIf: be like getting hit by a car

eviIcookieeIf: *WHAP*

eviIcookieeIf: ownage by whale testicles

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: *THWAP*

Arctic Sprite: With a giant whale testicle

Arctic Sprite: that's...not pleasant

eviIcookieeIf: think of the dick that'd go with those bad boys

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: i'd imagine it wouldn't be pleasent

eviIcookieeIf: well i'd rather not think of it so you guys do it for me

eviIcookieeIf: if you enjoyed that then you're a sick freak.

Arctic Sprite: hahaha!

Arctic Sprite: I cringe at the thought

eviIcookieeIf: cringe

eviIcookieeIf: i love that word

Arctic Sprite: it's nice to say

eviIcookieeIf: cringtastic

Arctic Sprite: cringy!

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: brb

eviIcookieeIf: cringable

Arctic Sprite: cringyness

eviIcookieeIf: cringly

Arctic Sprite: Oooh, that's a good one

eviIcookieeIf: thanks ;-)

Arctic Sprite: cringiless

Arctic Sprite: yup yup

eviIcookieeIf: cringsome

Arctic Sprite: Hmmm...

Arctic Sprite: cringles

Arctic Sprite: that was random

eviIcookieeIf: haha pringles

Arctic Sprite: Mm...pringles

eviIcookieeIf: mmmm food

Arctic Sprite: you have food!

eviIcookieeIf: lol i know

eviIcookieeIf: i want more though

Arctic Sprite: Good, get me more

Arctic Sprite: now

eviIcookieeIf: what am i, your bitch?

Arctic Sprite: Why yes, you are

eviIcookieeIf: i don't even get any sex out of this

Arctic Sprite: You don't and you'll deal with it

eviIcookieeIf: screw you

eviIcookieeIf: sex with me would blow your mind

Arctic Sprite: No, I don't want to be screwed

Arctic Sprite: Well I don't want sex

eviIcookieeIf: i do

Arctic Sprite: well there's always em

eviIcookieeIf: em! have sex with me! no one else will!

eviIcookieeIf: *cries*

Arctic Sprite: Hmph. I feel no guilt

eviIcookieeIf: you all hate me

Arctic Sprite: Cause you won't give me a cookie

eviIcookieeIf: i told you, i'm evil, i steal cookies and hide them

eviIcookieeIf: if i started giving them away what kind of evilc ookie elf would i be?

Arctic Sprite: Well them hmph again.

Arctic Sprite: You'd be a nice evil cookie elf

Arctic Sprite: then*

eviIcookieeIf: that's so a contradiction

Arctic Sprite: Oxymorons are cool

eviIcookieeIf: oh yes

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: you guys are weird

eviIcookieeIf: thanks

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: but that's why i love you

eviIcookieeIf: will you have sex with me

Arctic Sprite: Yay!

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: no

Arctic Sprite: LOL!

eviIcookieeIf: sigh

eviIcookieeIf: i guess i'll go to bed then

Arctic Sprite: no sex for the elf

Arctic Sprite: no

Arctic Sprite: no bed for you either

eviIcookieeIf: yup

eviIcookieeIf: i'll get sex

Arctic Sprite: NO

eviIcookieeIf: just to prove to you that i can

aLiCeGoNeMaD84: not from me

Arctic Sprite: not from me either

eviIcookieeIf: no not from you that'd be so weird

eviIcookieeIf: same to you

I love my friends.


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