Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Life is just that...
10.18.02 - 11:04 am

Dear god... practices are sooo fucking hard... i thought i was getting my ass kicked before... now i'm kicked, on the ground, and falling into my grave.


On another note... i get to figure out what i'm going to be taking next semister and mini-mister... so yeah... have that on my mind.

Lately... nothing to thrilling has happened... thank god. I don't think i can take much more. But yeah...

Swimming, that's all i'm doing... and doing my best to stay the hell away from katie... i did until yesturday and she made another smart remark... i let this one slid... but it wasn't totally directed at me... just everyone in the lane *grins*. She's a bitch, and i really hope that she pisses other ppl of and not just me.

Her time will come... and as for me beating the shit out of her... i think i'm just going to sit back and watch her make herself hated on the team. I will gain nothing if i beat her to a bloody pulp... and just knowing that i'm doing better than her in practice is good enough for me.

Fuck... my shoulder. Argh... it was doing better but now... eh... But i can reach the middle of my back now!! before i couldn't w/ my right arm... i still cant get all the way... but it's a far cry from what i couldn't do a couple of weeks ago. Sadly, this makes me happy. it's good because, 1 now i can't complain about my shoulder and use it as an excuse cuz i know ppl get irritated about that... and 2 now I won't have to go to the trainers and have them pull me out of the water. ^_^

And as of yesturday the 48 hr rule was in effect. fucking thing... oh well not much i can do. it sucks that i can't go out... but there's going to be a poster party so i'm prolly going to go to that after practice. Fun fun... quality time w/ that team!

We ArE aLl MaD hErE...


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