Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
no red lobster look for me
06.18.03 - 6:09 pm

Today i woke up at 5:30, went down stairs w/ squinting eyes trying to find my way into the kitchen.

Once i get down there my mom's bright and To Early chipperness greeted me.. (ha yeah right)

"I think it's raining out..."

So i go out to the garage, open it, and stepped out into the semi darkness. I stuck my hand out, cuz i can't see anything w/o my contacts, and nice cool drops of water hit my hand.

There was no way in Hell was i going to brave swimming in water that chills me to the bone after 15 mins.

I go in and get permission from my mom if i don't have to go to practice.

How sad is that? In college, while i didn't have a choice, i chose when i went to swim practice.

"I'm not going to pay $400's just for you to swim one meet"

Ok Fine. But thankfully my mom didn't put up a fight this morn' and i went back to bed in peace. ^_^

Then i got back up around 7ish to go to work.

Dude, it's summer, i could see my Breath this morning! Siiigh...

At least in this weather i don't become burned to a crisp and look like a walking and talking lobster.

And other than working and swimming... there's absolutly Nothing (and freezing my ass off) that's changed...

Other than the fact that my hair is getting blonder... gr.


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