Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
nerdyness is dying
06.02.03 - 9:53 am

It's weird, how whenever i was home... the internet was my second sanctuary (the first being my room) and now i'm never on.

Is my internet nerdness dying??

Any whoo... lately all i've been doing is lying around, sleeping, swimming, and working. There's nothing else to do in this pathetic lil town.

But saturday night, i was invited to a lil slumber party. With one of the strangest grls you will ever meet off the face of this earth, Rachel.

Now, i like her and all, but there are times when i just question the thoughts running through this grls head.

But i went, because i had Nothing else to do but waste my time watching anime and eating.

As soon as i walk in, i'm surrounded my highschooler's and those who are graduating. Lets just say, my head was in a fog cuz i had no Clue as to what was going on.

So here i am listing to converstations, picking on one of my anime friends Esha, and mostly smiling and noding the whole time. Just being my "shy" self, not talking just listening. I knew most of the ppl there, but when you leave and come back... the whole "catching up" ordeal is overwhelming.

Then dance dance revolution came out. And i've been practicing ^_^ Ok, i do suck at it, but it's fun. Once ddr came out, shyness went Poof and the old Emilie came back.

So after making a fool out of myself, Rachel decides we're going ice skating. So we get into the cars, drive off, and the car i was in got lost with another car following us. So while my driver, Liz (who i've known since 5th grade, WAS my best friend, and my older brothers grl friend... i've had some interesting experiences w/ her) is trying to figure out how to get to the ice rink, she's on the cell phone, backing up, and then the car jults forward. I'm in the back set, i look back and there's another car behind us. Parked. And we just hit it.

So while i'm trying not to laugh, i get out w/ the other grls, look at the damage, and theres not even a scratch. So, wanting to flee the scene, w/ a bystandard watching w/ a stunded face, me trying not to laugh, we drive away, vowing not to speak a word about this to anyone.

So, finally we get to the rink in one piece. We get inside, tell Rachel's dad that we got majorly lost (minusing the fact that we hit a car) and we get our skates and hit the ice.

For the first hr, those who knew how to skate, helped those who didn't. After i make sure one of the grls has a good hold onto the wall, i test out my skates. I used to be a good skater, no tricks, but hey, i could do some fancy foot moves.

So, i'm trying to regain what i lost yrs ago, i try to get a game of tag going just out of boredom of not messing w/ anyone as of late. The game when no where.

As i was skating i come apon Esha and her skating partner, Nacey. Nacey was basically pulling Esha, and i skated toward them to help, and before i know it, my feet are in the air and my back on the ice.

I am now a proud owner of a big, black and blue bruise on my ass.


The whole skating experience made me mingle a lil more w/ the two ppl that i really didn't know anything about, Jen and Andy.

Jen's a kick ass gay grl. Sorry Erika, Rachel claimed her ;p But Jen does go to UD...

Now Andy, looked like your typical druggie and just as happy. He hung around me for a lil while, showing me his cool keychain, which had a cheshire cat on it! So, i told him of my jelousy and envy.

But there was something about him that i couldn't put my finger on... he was hanging around Dan (A.I. highschool swimmer) for most of the party, but i just thought it was cuz Dan was the only other guy there.

So, after two hrs of skating, everyone's complaining about the cold and soreness. And i'm just my chipper self. We all pile back into the cars and head back to Rachel's.

Once we get there, she opens presents, everyone's gabbering on, i'm sitting on the couch next to Melissa (anime friend) and getting scratched and beaten up by this 5'2 lil grl.

While rachel's opening presents... Andy is in the most piculiar postion... He was sitting on Dan's lap, just lounging there.

And i kept trying to get Dan's attention, cuz i Knew there was obviously something going on there... the biggest cue was the fact that Dan was rubbing Andy's leg w/ his hand.

But the whole thing didn't register. I just couldn't comprehend, Dan being that way.

A lil after the presents, we finally get cake. Ice cream cake infact ^_^ Yum.

So, while i'm trying to mutilate my cake, I finally get Dan's lil side of the story. He was having a converstaion w/ another person, and he just says "I'm gay". The look on my face was sheer dumbfoundedness. The clues were all there, but i just didn't know.

"Dan, your gay?"

"Yeah, didn't you know? Why else would i have been on the swim team."

*blank look* "You just don't... have the tendencies of a gay guy."

"So have to be grly?"

"No, no, Dan... For a yr now, those are the only guys i have been around. Gay and flambouyant art guys. You don't have that beaken. Otherwise, i wouldn't be as dumbfounded as i am now."

The whole thing shocked me. Prolly cuz i would see, sexuall tension between him and this one grl Katelyn.

Well, you learn new things everyday. Heh heh...


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