Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
A day isn't a day when it isn't a day at all
03.04.03 - 1:49 pm

I think i'm doing well this time in my art classes ^_^

I talk to the teachers... just like having normal converstations. I hope this gives me brownie pts. I need something considering i failed my women studies test ><;; not good, man, not good...

OH yeah paypal wants to be a bitch, so yeah.. forget gold for a while. i'll ask my mommy about it. She's signed up for it. While my card hates me...

Today, is a bleh day.

It's the day where you wish you never woke up. I was fine before i went to class and now i'm just... bummed i guess.


I have nothing to be bummed about tho! Yeah... i've been lazy, but i've gotten things done.

I'm going to study, then tonite i work on my art... get the legs working and re-cut my base to my house.

Yes, my house that i'm building has legs.

So. i think i'll be good.

i think i'm going to mess w/ kazaa so i can watch anime, that'll make me feel better.


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