Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Masturbation OO;;
03.02.03 - 7:15 pm

Ok... like i said i'm my previous entry that i just typed! i'm bored... but yeah i came across prostituee's site.

Now... the entry's on masturbation. And she doesnt' think anyone hasn't tried masturbation...

Now, i Know what masturbation is... but as to the terms, as like what type of touching... so on and so forth.

I Don't think i've done it. I've never had an orgasm. Never had a boyfriend. I've had nothing.

I Run... Literally Run at the sight of porn. Why? dunno.

Now i've seen the HBO shit... where there's women and men masturbating w/ the life like dolls or, their doing some sort of shit, i'm still not totally comfortable watching it, but curiosit, man.

But when my quad mates, all in room next door, and Patty... dled something funny. and i'm like oh ok, then she says, "Em, this is you insiation in to the Quad." and then there's this pic of a guy w/ his hand up a grls ass, smaking her.

I squeaked and ran.

And! When i saw a penius (look towards the bottom of the entry)the entry explains how i freaked out... but yeah.

I just can't handle that type of stuff... it prolly had to do w/ the fact that i was molested when i was 6. And... yeah. I don't know if i've gone into detail of that in an entry before But i'm not now. No pt. I just don't wanna type about it.

so yeah... just thought i'd comment about the entry.

And i'm also thinking of signing up for gold memebership... still in process...


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