Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Private now gone Public
07.30.03 - 9:44 pm

Well, it seems like my social life is the topic of the week soo... i'll just explain as to why.

Ok, i met this guy at a party last weekend. Got my # so on and so forth. Didn't think much was going to happen w/ it. I'm yeah, he did go out of his way to get my # but still... i've never had any guy go out of their way...

So, he calls. We make plans.

And all the ppl in my work finds out. I don't make it a big deal. I just say, oh yeah i got plans w/ this guy this weekend. No biggy. All the while every grl co-worker is freakin' out.

"OMG Em! that's so great i'm sooooo happy for you!"

"We So need to do a make over!"

All the while i'm trying to back up in a corner and hide.

NO make overs for me. I can take care of myself thank you.

Then today while i'm sitting on my break and a counselor is there and out of nowhere he asks me about the guy.

I'm like, wtf. Does everyone in the whole camp know that this is my first time going out w/ a guy?

And no, it's not a date. He made that one clear.

I'm just baffled as to how my private life is now a public life.

I am prolly going to call him tomorrow and ask whether or not its something casual. Cuz i have no clue as to what's going to happen.

I told him to surprise me.

I guess i'm going to have to wait and see.


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