Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Ramblerambleramble =)
07.24.05 - 9:24 am

I just had a strange realization. There's this guy, John, at work who likes to tease me. Well, most of the guys like to tease me, in particular him and this guy Rich.

He's a senior in highschool.

I'm a senior in college.

I do not like this kid or want any kind a relationship with him, but aparently he likes me.

I'm four years older than he is!! He's still in "age group" swimming.

I feel like a pedifile without truely being one.

That's the train of thought that I woke up this morning after my boss called me asking to work. I said yes and I gotta work at 11. Thing is I was supposed to see my old room mate Bridget for lunch. If I had her number I'd call her now to tell her that I can't see her but oh well... I feel bad for saying yes to work when I originally said yes to her, but I need the money. I gotta work at 3 anyways only to work for 2 and a half hours.

The likely hood of seeing her and having lunch was slim. She wanted to meet in White Marsh, and its in the wrong direction of my work. I wasn't hopeful that she'd get her in time for us to do lunch.

Ah well, such as life. Maybe I'll catch her when she drives back up.

Another weird thing that happend this morning around 6 I think, I woke up with my left arm over my head, and I could feel that I wasn't getting enough blood.

I tried to move my arm at the elbow but it wouldn't move. I sat up and it just dropped to my side.

I freaked. My arm was acting like it was dead. It would move at the shoulder, and I could feel my right hand press into muscle... but man, that was a scarey thing to wake up to.

Now my shoulder is all sore, my arm still tingles, and I don't ever wanna fall asleep like that again.

I shall now end the ramblings so that I can figure out something to eat.


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