Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Seasons of change
10.24.03 - 12:45 am

Siiigh, i wish i could forget.

Just forget about all this problematic work i have to do.

Forget i know anything about emotions.

Just fucking forget. Vanish.


I think i finally found some solitude... where i can find some mediocore plane of equality between me and reality.

Drawing... which i Badly need to do. I've been soo worked up about my japanese test that i've been neglecting my drawing work.

I feel some weird statisfaction... looking at my hands and seeing the lead, charcole, and conte residue.

I don't know how i describe it... i guess i can just feel comfort from it.

One of my few comforts these days...

Like the smell of chlorine. That i dearly miss... it used to be to the point where... i only noticed it if i got some part of my skin wet.

Whenever i have Bio and sit next to my old team mates, i can smell it.. and miss it.

Heh, another joyful smell for me is burning leaves and the crispness of the air.

I don't know what makes me love this time of year, but i do.

"It's the time of death, how can you like it?"

"No, it's not the time of death, but of slumber and rebirth... i've never thought of seasons being dead..."

The only time you can see a tree is dead... is in the spring time. How can you tell it's dead in winter when all the other tress are just as bald as the next!

I love the fact that i can bundle up and feel like a massive marshmellow in my winter coats.

And propping my feet up on the fire place and reading a book w/ my back lying on the oriental rug... or tracing the peakcocks and other birds designed on it while the growns are conversing.

With the seasons whens the time do you actually feel like you have a family, fall and winter. It's the time for coming together.

And what about spring and winter, time to go enjoy the sunshine, and run about like you were a caged bird...

I don't see why people get so worked up about seasons... they're seasons. Enjoy each one individualy. I'm tired of having to defend fall and winter.

I'm sorry, i love halloween. It's the only time i get to fucking dress up like an idiot and be normal! Cuz all the other times i'm strange!

I can never win.

*** later in the night.

I just got back from a party, and some highschool kid that was w/ some guys i know went up to me...

"Hi, i'm Emit."

*shakes hangs*

"Hi, i'm Emille."

*still shaking hands*


*... still yeah...*


"Your Hot!"

*me trying to let go of his hand*

"Uh, thanks.. i don't get that a lot..."

Woah, yeah... definatly a weird night... explain later... sobering up.


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