Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
11.25.02 - 2:27 pm

Laura doesn't understand why i still swim, w/ a coach like Pat...

I don't know either...

Yeah he scares me, he terrifies me... and he doesn't motivate me to swim. I'm having to do it myself... he doesn't help me... and when you aren't doing well... then he ignores you.

*shrugs* He's my coach, i respect him and fear him. Yes, he's made me cry more than once... but he helped me out in the begining... now i gotta figure out how to get his attention back on me.

I have to figure out what the hell he expects of me.

In the begining... he didn't want us making meetings w/ him... he said that he didn't need to tell you everything. That'd you figure it out yourself.

Well... considering how long that meeting went, Kristen and I are in the same boat... she feels worthless, and so do i. but i've gotten over that... She has more of a spot than i do! At least he knows now that i'm just clueless as to what to do next. I mean come on! You give me attention... you then ignore me.. then you say striaght to my face, you're half assing practice! What the hell am i to think? that you think i'm not worth being part of the team?

I Don't know what he thinks... and it scares me. John(Y coach), dude i knew what he was thinking, he's predictable... he spoke his mind... Pat is silent and deadly, and negative to boot. John is just a big teddy bear... Pat is a cold brick.

which one do i perfer? John! and thank god i'm swimming w/ him tomorrow!! home, yay!!

Fuck you, Pat. I'll deal w/ you when i get the backbone, that i used to have. Before you broke me.


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