Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Let's do the Stimpy dance!
10.12.04 - 4:16 pm

Ever feel like the world is falling around you?

Is the sky's clouds are coming down and estracting the breath right out?

Well, today's that day!

Oy, i don't know what decided to hit me, but it sure did today... I'm having a hard time keeping up w/ my tuesday/thrusday classes.

I was supposed to have a test today, I didn't study, i thank whatever god there is that he informed the teacher that it need to be postponed.

I have a 4 to 6 page paper due. Out of the blue. Next week... two weeks?? i don't even fucking know!

The only plus side to this is my partner for our mini-teaching for SPED thought our presentation was due this thrusday instead of next, she did everything. I felt bad enough when she did all the research, but man, now i don't really have much to do.

I'm not a slacker, ok yeah, but when it comes to group things, i'm normally ahead of the game. She's like, 10 steps ahead, and taking all the work. Not by choice tho... so, i feel very guilty for not helping at all.

I took a guilty pleasure today, i cat napped for about 3 to 4 hrs.

Shit, i have to sign up for minimester...

Ding, adds to list.

Ugh. This day isn't going to end, because i have class in an hr.

Joy oh joy. Makes me wanna do a Stimpy dance.


instant pudding will sovle my problems

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