Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
the clock is ticking... and where's the white rabbit? Only 3 more days to find him....
08.21.02 - 10:55 pm

Dear god i'm in pain. No... it's not from swimming... from packing. I've got ALL my clothes done. Packed and ready to ship. Well not shipped... driven... but yeah. Took me 3 hrs to do. I'm proud of myself. Normally i'm not organized... but today i am. I have my day clothes in one bag, my sports clothes/sleep wear in another bag, and dress clothes w/ hangers in another. And!! i have this shelf thing... and have stuff in it w/ lables ^_^ This the only way that i know i won't lose anything in the mass moving.

The whole fact of moving out and going to college hasn't hit me yet. i'm excited... but it's a low excitement... like getting up to swim a race. Nothing much... just a lil fast heart rate.

I just hope my kitty doesn't die of depression w/o me. My kitty is my baby... my room is her room. She doesn't go anywhere else at night. She cuddles w/ me, and when i wake up, she's there purring. I love my lil baby.... i'm gonna miss her sooo much when i leave.

OMG!! I bought my books yesturday.. that was a whole big ordeal... dude.. i was going to kill my dad. I wanted to order 'em... not him do it for me!! So, i redid the order. Cuz my dad couldn't do it w/o my debit card. Took me a whole fucking hr to figure out how to get the books and order 'em. I was livid, and my dad was pissed off, too. Last night... he left in the middle of the night... around mid night. Just left. He was that pissed off. Hasn't spoken a word to me today. LoL. I think this is pretty funny. I did say i was sorry... and that it had been a long day for me considering i worked monday and yesturday 10 hrs straight... i just wasn't in the greatest moods to spend $440 dollars in one evening.

*sighs* i know i should go to bed now... but i can't... i'm too wide awake... i shouldn't have packed for so long... but i had to. Ah well.

Tomorrow is my last day of camp. Whooo HOoo!! I can't stand the lil kids any longer!! They are bugging the shit out of me. And the 12 and up kids... dear god i wanna strangle their lil necks. All of 'em can die for all i care. Damn kids. *sighs in frustration*

I biked today... cuz i felt bad that i haven't swam in the past 2 days... yeah... that was really funny. Watching me ride a bike. I haven't for at least 7 yrs. OMG, i thought i was gonna fall over the first 3 mins of riding... i couldn't control the bike!! i dunno why!! i moved the stearing bars.. but for some unknown reason... it just didn't work... then i got the hang of it... then after a lil while i found my mom walking so i just stayed on the bike and talked for the rest of the way home. Then i went around the nieghborhood a couple more times and called it excercise.

I've had a rough day.

It'll be better tomorrow...

I hope.

Or everyone of those kids will die.

We ArE aLl MaD hErE...


ps. oh fuck... i have to get a hepitise(sp?) shot... fuck fuck!! i hate needles!! AHHHHHH!! ok... i hate needles... i'm find gettin the shot... i'm an f'ed up person...

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