Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
Fun day
10.26.02 - 5:16 pm

Dude... check out my cool ass pic of alice... doesn't it rock?

Took me Forever to figure out how to change it to pink tho... f'ing thing... ah well...

and thank you for the ever html talented Erika! Who made this all possible!

And yeah... to the creator (if you ever read my site) I love the layout and all... i just hope you don't mind me adding the alice pic...

I stopped by to see erika, cuz i had to see my big bro... and he lives right behind her dorm.

She thought i was my mother at first... oO;;; Erika... your a dork ;p hehehe but i'm one too... so it doesn't matter. ^_^

Well... gotta jet... going to help mom make dinner ^_^


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