Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
I'm falling... or is the world... i can't tell.
11.07.03 - 6:05 pm

Forrest Gump!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

I want to go home now.

I need sleep. Badly.

Last night i stayed up w/ Meredith till 3am watching movies. I couldn't conserntrate on my art. I tried and failed. I've gotten really far today! I'll be done definatly by tomorrow morning.

It's sweet. Towering over you, just rock steady. It has a power to it.

A power that i can only express in art.

Im such a weak person... i've looked at past entries and at my middle school diary... I write like i'm exstatic about living. It seems like i'm on a cloud, high above the world...

When in reality i'm in hell.

It looks like i just can't be serious.

Heh, i know i'll look back at this entry and be like... i was on fucking crack when i was thinking this...

I say what comes to mind... but me and my sadistic mind, has to put it in some type of humor.

Ugh, lack of sleep has put me in a mood. Seem like i'm in one big fucking mood as of late. I need my cat. She'll purr and purr...

Purr me to sleep... a good dreamless sleep. I'm tried of dreaming... i haven't had any bad dreams these past few days... but i have dreams and can't remember them...

Just the silkyness of her furr. She's not like any other stuffty i have...

I can't keep my eyes open... it's a lil past 6 pm. wtf.


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