Wicked Wonderland In a Bind
The pool is turning yellow
07.25.02 - 4:59 pm

Heh.. yeah man, tomorrow.. Orientation. Hell Yeah!! *jumps up and down for joy* i'm re-dying my hair tonight... the fucking dye just doesn't like me. and it was expensive, too. I'm never buying dye from Hot Topic again...

So.... a kid pissed on the side of the pool deck... yeah that wasn't cool. It would have been better if he did it IN the pool... then ppl wouldn't have noticed... but noooooo... just had to take a wiz there didn't ya??

Dude... Nationals is next week.. what the hell am i to do?? i'm afriad. I don't want it anything like last yr. I'm rooming w/ a 12 yr old... very nice grl.. but hyper... then we have the other 18 yr old.. she doesn't talk to me.. dunno why considering she's known me for the past 6 yrs... and then there's the 2 14 yr olds... dear god. They just play off of eachother... it's funny as hell... but it gets annoying. *sigh* i'm excited.. but worried. Last yr was hell... i don't want anything like last yr to happen again.

To many worries... but all trivial.

We ArE aLl MaD hErE...


My bumper sticker reads:

Yes, you.
Take the quiz.

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